Chain cleaner for bikes in box with two 50ml bottles of detergent and lubricant
The BCH1 is the first chain washer for bicycles. Patented by Barbieri in 1983, millions of pieces have been sold all over the world. Thanks to its 1152 nylon bristles, it leaves your chain clean in just one minute and without having to disassemble anything. Suitable for all bikes with gears.The chain is one of the most important parts of the bicycle, so it must always be cleaned with great care. This is because a dirty chain reduces performance, accelerates wear, and only attracts more debris to it. Also, before lubricating it, the chain should always be thoroughly clean. This is why the operation is so important for the correct use of your vehicle. To clean the chain you can use the chain washer, a very simple to use and also particularly useful accessory.
Data sheet
Facile da usare ed efficace
facile, veloce, efficace
Ho aquistato la confezione con lavacatena ,detergente e lubrificante, sono rimasto sorpreso dalla facilità nel pulire la catena in pochi minuti senza fatica e senza imbrattare per terra. Consiglio vivamente.